
DEStudio is a group of united and independent architects and engineers.

DEStudio attracts the Real Estate, Corporate, Hotel, and Retail sectors, as well as private investors.

DEStudio provides integrated, multidisciplinary architecture and engineering services. It develops designs at every level – including BIM– and has what it takes to operate in the site management, safety management, and project/construction management fields. It works actively to give value and convert real estate. It provides regeneration opportunities through forms of public-private partnership.

DEStudio avails itself of young, motivated, and trained associates. It uses innovative software and works with BIM. It knows the areas it works in and is accustomed to dealing with the Public Administration. It operates using quality and environmental management systems.

DEStudio believes in design centrality as the single tool for process control and management in terms of time, quality, and costs. It believes in Rome’s great potential. It has faith in its associates.

DEStudio has a knack for excellence and value creation for its customers: it does not offer the mere performance of a service. A key factor is its international experience, gained working for Italian clients abroad and for foreign clients in Italy. DEStudio’s skills include complex project management, with deep knowledge not only in the design field, but also in the project management field.

DEStudio is located in Rome since 1996, and has built a reputation for being reliable and serious, which helps in its relationships with institutions. DEStudio is independent: it has no connections/joint investments with other companies, suppliers, and manufacturers.

DEStudio is a multidisciplinary organization with all the internal skills for the best coordination and optimization of production time possible. Ethics and confidentiality are among our key values, and sustainability is our guiding star.


DEStudio offers high added-value architecture and engineering services. DEStudio services are not a cost, but an investment.

DEStudio aims to be an efficient, lean, and dynamic organization, able to manage a successful network of clients and partners to create mutual and lasting value.

DEStudio aims to be a workplace in which people are inspired to do their best, with a special focus on sustainability in its multiple facets.

Si ringraziano per le immagini e per i video: Luigi Filetici, Andrea Martiradonna, Stefano Castellani, la Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni, Mckinsey & Company Inc. Italy, Studio Purini Thermes, Ruggero Lenci, Studio Transit, Studio Bolles&Wilson, Studio Labics, Fibre Net, Wikipedia, Louis Vuitton, Peter Marino Architect, Europa Risorse, Roberto Narducci, la Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma, Biblioteca di LaboratorioRoma.