
DEStudio mainly works in the hospitality, multi-site retail, service, and residential real estate sectors.

DEStudio provides a wide range of multidisciplinary architecture and engineering services to its clients. Its main activities are design (at every level, including BIM), site management, safety management in the design and construction phases, and project/construction management

. DEStudio has experience working with institutions and the public administration (city and national administration, fire department, local health authority, public works department, etc.) and is able to identify the most suitable procedures for the swiftest delivery in terms of bureaucracy and authorization documents.

DEStudio always implements Minimum Environmental Criteria (MEC) in its designs [CAM] , as an essential part of its constant commitment to innovation and sustainability.


In the construction sector – from real estate players to the corporate world – the search for spaces, meaning, and identity must be combined with a balanced use of available resources.

Under such circumstances, value-creation is the core of a process in which sustainability, aesthetics, and ethics provide a growingly relevant contribution.


Briefing: the most important design step, with the initial Client|DEStudio interaction as the basis of the service setup.

DEStudio takes note of client expectations and asks them a series of questions to be sure to have interpreted their demands – even the unspoken ones – at best, sharing with them the implementation methods and times. It then defines requirements and the related budget. Given its culture and experience, DEStudio is very meticulous in this preliminary stage.

Due Diligence: in-depth and verified under every normative aspect – including construction, city planning, fire department, health, and structural standards and constraints – it is the tool allowing the best real estate requalification and valorization possible. Our approach is very precise and detailed, because this step is closely linked to development potential. It is a phase in which we identify the potential value-addition of the operation. Creating value is in DEStudio’s DNA: we are aware that clients shall not see our services as a cost, but an investment.

Feasibility analyses: based on the previous items, understanding customer demands and sharing strategies to implement, combined with a deep knowledge of the building’s physical and authorization situation allows – thanks to DEStudio’s strong ability to interpret the normative context – selection of the best value-addition opportunities.

Concept: the most important stage, in which we define the architectural and aesthetic concept. DEStudio has the ability to develop – availing itself of a tried and tested Network of partner architects – the concepts for any kind of operation, or to engineer concepts developed directly by the client’s consultants.

Architectural, structural, and system design (electrical, special, fire-prevention, A/C, and plumbing/drainage systems):

Preliminary design: everything agreed thus far is defined and takes shape. It is the first step of technical/design development in which the inputs from the previous stages (architectural, aesthetic, structural, system, and normative aspects) are coordinated and integrated by the DEStudio multidisciplinary team. The various internal resources give life to the first step of integrated design that – as well as defining technical macro-issues – includes activity and cost planning, with a special focus on sustainability. This is also when the strategies allowing the project creation in accordance with construction site worker health and safety are set up.

Final design: the tool to communicate with all public administration and supervisory authority bodies. Knowing the design procedures and processes, as well as the ability to interpret the complex and intricated normative framework – especially in the Rome context – and the experience in interacting and sharing strategies with administration bodies allow DEStudio to set up the bureaucratic steps for construction authorization as swiftly and suitably as possible for each institution (city and national administration, fire department, local health authority, public works department, etc.).

Executive design: the final design stage, where DEStudio goes in depth in the executive details of the project and defines the construction methods and technical specifications for each category: construction, structural work, and systems – electrical, special, fire-prevention, A/C, and plumbing/drainage systems. DEStudio specialists collaborate internally for each of these fields and – even thanks to BIM – develop an integrated design, pursuant to quality and environmental standards. Graphs, calculation reports, technical specifications, technical documents, and bills of quantities are the essential documents in the tender phase, and subsequently to manage the design throughout its realization at the construction site.

Fire prevention design

Building Information Modelling

Administration procedures at public entities and administration bodies (city and national administration | public works department | fire department | local health authority)
[Comune | Soprintendenze | Genio Civile | Vigili del Fuoco – VVF | ASL]

Site management: inspection of contracting companies and subcontractors implies interaction with highly sector-specific entities.

DEStudio’s organization, which avails itself of a tight-knit internal team of specialists in various fields, allows it to interact proactively with companies at the construction site, as well as implementing Value Engineering processes to identify solutions for a reduction in costs and construction time.

– Safety coordination: safety, which is a part of sustainability, is in DEStudio’s DNA. It is considered from the very first design stages, and a fundamental feature of DEStudio is the opportunity to internally communicate with designers in the various fields, so as to implement technical solutions that take into account the health and safety of construction workers.

We also strongly believe in the importance of sharing and communicating the contents of the Safety and Coordination Plan with the companies and laborers involved, so that the parties are all aware of the risks of each production phase. DEStudio achieves this even thanks to specific and innovative communication management software.

We are deeply convinced that no profit margin could ever justify the acceptance of a high risk margin. It is, instead, by applying the highest safety, quality, and environmental standards that profit grows.

We work every day to develop a culture focused on risk prevention that may guarantee sustainable and highly productive processes.

Project & Construction Management: management and control can only be achieved through understanding. Project Management is a natural consequence of DEStudio’s multidisciplinary and integrated structure. To have internal technical resources to manage every stage of the construction process implies – along with know-how – the ability to supervise and manage.

A knack for problem-solving and proactive spirit – two especially marked features among DEStudio specialists – contribute to making the company particularly strong in project management.

Time & Costs Control – Project Monitoring

Design approval

Technical-administrative testing: DEStudio boasts solid experience in technical-administrative testing of civil engineering works, structures, and systems, both complete and under construction. It works for private clients but also develops complex constructions for the public administration.

Experience and skills are crucial elements in this field.


Our fields of activity

  • hospitality: reception and hotels
  • service sector, administration and operating offices, contact centers, etc.
  • retail: flagship stores, multisite stores
  • residential
  • industrial
  • mixed Use
  • conversions and requalification


“D“DEStudio is committed to performing activities in support of sustainable development as a source of labor for the present and an investment in the future. These include design of structures for sustainable mobility – an essential driver of urban regeneration – and financial skill empowerment activities to provide added value to real estate.”

Activity within the Bikeconomy observatory

DEStudio offers design support to Associazione Osservatorio Bikeconomy (Bikeconomy observatory organization), born in Rome and a partner of the Dutch Cycling Embassy, the Netherlands Embassy in Rome, Invitalia (agency for the attraction of investment in Italian businesses), ENIT (national tourism agency), ISNART (national institute for tourism research), and Legambiente (the main Italian environmentalist NGO).DEStudio offers design support to Associazione Osservatorio Bikeconomy (Bikeconomy observatory organization), born in Rome and a partner of the Dutch Cycling Embassy, the Netherlands Embassy in Rome, Invitalia (agency for the attraction of investment in Italian businesses), ENIT (national tourism agency), ISNART (national institute for tourism research), and Legambiente (the main Italian environmentalist NGO).

The organization works within the Bikeconomy research center: an observatory focused on best practices in the fields of bicycle tourism and sustainable mobility.

A Scientific Committee including different specialists within the organization has the role of observing Bikeconomy data.

The organization’s activity is fourfold:

  • counseling in the fields of sustainable mobility, urban regeneration, and active (so-called “experience”) tourism (vs. institutions, politicians, local administration and entities, businesses)
  • design and development of cycling projects (in partnership with the 70 companies reporting to the Dutch Cycling Embassy) [in collaborazione con le 70 aziende che fanno capo alla Dutch Cycling Embassy]
  • analysis (production of data and research studies) [produzioni di dati e ricerche]
  • training (also in partnership with universities) [anche in partnership con le Università]


Mobility in Italy beyond COVID-19

Activity within OCA|Office for Cycling Architecture

DEStudio is a member of OCA|Office for Cycling Architecture, an organization born out of the effort of a group of people who believe that the design of a bike path network can be the driveshaft to re-activate and qualify public areas, viewed as a place of the collective definition of living.

OCA promotes the connection of urban residual spaces to allow people to reach them by bicycle or on foot. OCA believes that such action may be the first step of a process of reclaiming public space defined as a shared and collective location: a bike path network can be the driver of urban regeneration.

Activity within the Commissione Finanza Immobiliare (real estate financial commission) of the Board of Engineers of Rome

“We must aim towards renovating existing built heritage: to not consume additional land, to provide a solution to energy issues, to protect the landscape, and to relaunch the Italian economy as a whole”.

DEStudio has contributed to the creation and development of the real estate financial commission of the Board of Engineers of Rome. The Commission was born with the aim to be a reference point for its members in terms of skills related to the financial, real estate, and tax fields, which – in a growingly interlinked fashion – are required in management and/or value-addition of real estate, as well as development operations.

Such skills are an important complement to the specific background of an engineer, and are more than ever critical nowadays.

The Commission promotes, through papers and seminars, the main real estate finance tools – related to real estate funds, SGR funds, SIIQ (Italian real estate investment trusts), private equity funds, and real estate securities – so that professionals may duly perform the most effective actions to implement suitable management and development procedures for real estate operations potentially in their interest. Marco Discacciati, MEng, is the President of the Commission. La Commissione Finanza Immobiliare è presieduta dall’Ing. Marco Discacciati.

© 2020 – 2022 DEStudio Società di Ingegneria Srl | P. IVA/C.F.: 05115461005

Si ringraziano per le immagini e per i video: Luigi Filetici, Andrea Martiradonna, Stefano Castellani, la Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni, Mckinsey & Company Inc. Italy, Studio Purini Thermes, Ruggero Lenci, Studio Transit, Studio Bolles&Wilson, Studio Labics, Fibre Net, Wikipedia, Louis Vuitton, Peter Marino Architect, Europa Risorse, Roberto Narducci, la Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma, Biblioteca di LaboratorioRoma.